Here is a List of Work I Normally Undertake
- Valve guitar amplifier repairs (I specialise in these). All faults and also servicing. Click here to find out why your valve amp might need servicing.
Anything vintage - the older the better!
- Solid State (transistor) guitar amplifier repairs. All faults.
- PA amplifier repairs and keyboard amplifier repairs.
Professional audio gear including valve equipment (e.g. expensive compressors, tube levelling amplifiers, EQ etc.)
- Blown speakers, crossovers etc.
- Guitars - electronic faults only. I cannot set up bridge heights and so on.
Effects pedal repairs
- Leads
- Microphone repairs
- Other non-audio equipment - always happy to give you a quote.
If it's not on the list above, do drop me an email for an opinion on repairability.
Click here to see a list of equipment I cannot repair.